@database "MemInfo" @master "MemInfo.guide" @width 80 @Remark $VER: MemInfo.guide 3.00 (24.05.94) @Remark AmigaGuide database for MemInfo @Node Main "MemInfo Documentation" MemInfo v3.00 ************* Release date: 24-May-1994 Copyright 1994 Eivind Rovik Select from the following topics: @{" Introduction " Link "Introduction"} @{" Requirements " Link "Requirements"} @{" Installation " Link "Installation"} @{" Usage from Workbench " Link "Usage from Workbench"} @{" Usage from CLI " Link "Usage from CLI"} @{" Copyright " Link "Copyright"} @EndNode @Node "Introduction" Introduction ------------ This program was written to keep the average computer freak always informed about time and space. And do it somehow realtime, in contradiction to the workbench's very slow updating of the current 'free memory'. With this new version there has been added a lot of new features. MemInfo opens a window with only a window title that can be placed at the top of the workbench screen as a substitute for the workbench info line. All information is displayed on this titlebar in a very compact format. You might think that you then will miss the workbench messages! Well, not so! MemInfo now also displays any workbench messagaes in it's window! Here are some of the features: - Keeps you real time informed about memory allocation (chip,fast,total) Realtime updating of the size of all volumes in the system. - Display all sizes in some of these formats bytes, kb, mb, % free and % used - Display date and clock in all formats - Proportinal spacing of the window to minimize display size. - Custom setting of: Width, Update freq, Task Priority, WB mess delay, Public screen - Full menu control of all features - Full CLI control of all features - Callable from both Workbench and CLI - Saving of all settings to prefsfile You can also select different display formats like bytes,K,MB,%. MemInfo also has a lot of other features. These can be saved in a config file and you can change them from the CLI argument line or the menus. MemInfo can be started from both the CLI and the workbench. @EndNode @Node "Requirements" System Requirements ------------------- - Kickstart v2.04 or higher - Reqtools.library v37 or higher @EndNode @Node "Installation" Installation ------------ - Just move the MemInfo icon into the wbstartup drawer - Put a string into the User-Startup @EndNode @Node "Usage from Workbench" Usage from Workbench -------------------- Double click the MemInfo icon or place it into the wbstartup drawer. All settings can be set from the menus. MENUS: Project Save Config Save the configuration in ENVARC:MemInfo.prefs This will save all your settings in the menus and the x/y- position of the window. About Just a little note from the author Quit Exit, finito, chao, cherio, zip, nix, zero Memory Mem size: Chip Show free chip memory Fast Show free fast memory Public Show free public memory Larges chunk: Chip Show largest chunk in chip memory Fast Show largest chunk in fast memory Public Show largest chunk in public memory Mem #chunks: Chip Show number of chunks in chip memory Fast Show number of chunks in fast memory Public Show number of chunks in public memory Mem Unit Bytes Show memory in bytes KBytes Show memory in KBytes MBytes Show memory in MBytes % free Show memory in % free % used Show memory in % used Time Date Show date Clock Show clock Seconds Show seconds Format: dd-mmm-yy Show date in dd-mmm-yy yy-mmm-dd Show date in yy-mmm-dd mm-dd-yy Show date in mm-dd-yy dd-mm-yy Show date in dd-mm-yy Volumes Contains all volumes in system except RAM. It also excludes any PCx drives. This is because of the unstable nature of this device that leads to lock up if it is called when it's active! Vol Unit Bytes Show volume size in bytes KBytes Show volume size in KBytes MBytes Show volume size in MBytes % free Show volume size in % free % used Show volume size in % used Window Width: WB Clone The width of the MemInfo window will be the same as the Workbench Screenbar minus the screen front/back gadget Proportional Turn on the proportional width mode. This will keep the window resizing according to the current information width of the window. Custom Custom window size Other: Always Front This will always keep the MemInfo window in front of all other windows WB Mess MemInfo will show all the workbench messages that appears on the Workbench Screenbar. This option might not work with new versions of the workbench we can only hope! Fixed Columns The memory free columns (chip,fast,public) will not resize, but have a fixed width of approx. 7 characters. (I might remove this in the future!) Close Gadget Close gadget on/off No Dragbar Make the window non draggable Right Offset Calculate position relative to the right border Width... Set the width of the window Update freq... Update frequency in updates per seconds Task Priority...Set task priority WB mess delay...How long the MemInfo program should show the Workbench message in seconds. If this is zero, MemInfo will hold it until the workbench itself removes the message (normally when you click the mouse). Public screen...Public screen name @EndNode @Node "Usage from CLI" Usage from CLI -------------- All settings can be set from the menus and saved in a config file, there is really no need to use the CLI arguments. However for anyone who insist here they are. You should also notice that the configfile is just a completely normal argument line! Indeed if there exists a config file, the arg line and the config file will be combined, but the argline will override the configfile! > run MemInfo template: X/K,Y/K,FRONT/S,CHIP=C/S,FAST=F/S,PUBLIC=P/S,CLOCK/S,DATE/S, WIDTH=W/K,BYTE/S,KB/S,MB/S,NOWBMESS=NM/S,WBMESSDELAY=WD/K, FIXEDCOL=FC/S,WBWIDTH=WW/S,CHIPLAR=CL/S,FASTLAR=FL/S,PUBLAR=PL/S, CHIPNC=CN/S,FASTNC=FN/S,PUBNC=PN/S,PF/S,PU/S,SEC/S,TIMEDOS=TD/S, TIMEINT=TI/S,TIMEUSA=TU/S,TIMECDN=TC/S,VUB/S,VUKB/S,VUMB/S,VUPF/S, VUPU/S,CLOSE/S,TASKPRI/K,UPDATE/K,VOLUMES/M,PUBSCR/K,DAGBAR/S, ROFFSET/S : Just type the switch string CHIP=C/S Remove column with available chip memory FAST=F/S Remove column with available fast memory PUBLIC=P/S Remove column with available public memory CHIPLAR=CL/S Insert column with largest chunk in chip memory FASTLAR=FL/S Insert column with largest chunk in fast memory PUBLAR=PL/S Insert column with largest chunk in public memory CHIPNC=CN/S Insert column with number of chunks in chip memory FASTNC=FN/S Insert column with number of chunks in fast memory PUBNC=PN/S Insert column with number of chunks in public memory BYTE/S Show memory free in bytes (default) KB/S Show memory free in KBytes MB/S Show memory free in MBytes PF/S Show memory free in % free PU/S Show memory free in % used CLOCK/S Remove column showing the time of day DATE/S Remove column showing the date SEC/S Remove seconds in the clock column TIMEDOS=TD/S Show date in dd-mmm-yy TIMEINT=TI/S Show date in yy-mmm-dd TIMEUSA=TU/S Show date in mm-dd-yy TIMECDN=TC/S Show date in dd-mm-yy VUB/S Show volumes free in bytes VUKB/S Show volumes free in KBytes VUMB/S Show volumes free in MBytes (default) VUPF/S Show volumes free in % free VUPU/S Show volumes free in % used FRONT/S This will always keep the MemInfo window in front of all other windows NOWBMESS=NM/S MemInfo will not show any workbench message that appears on the Workbench Screenbar FIXEDCOL=FC/S The memory free columns (chip,fast,public) will not resize, but have a fixed width of approx. 7 characters WBWIDTH=WW/S The width of the MemInfo window will be the same as the Workbench Screenbar minus the screen front/back gadget CLOSE/S Remove close gadget DAGBAR/S Make the window non draggable ROFFSET/S Calculate position relative to the right border : You type the keyword and then the string or number X/K/N X keyword followed by the x-position number Y/K/N Y keyword followed by the y-position number WBMESSDELAY=WD/K/N WBMESSDELAY or WD keyword followed by the workbench message delay in seconds WIDTH=W/K/N Width or W keyword followed by the width of the window, this will make the window nonproportional. TASKPRI/K/N TASKPRI folled by a number between -128 and 127 to set the task priority UPDATE/K/N UPDATE followed by a number specifying update frequency in updates per second PUBSCR/K/N PUBSCR followed by a public screen name : What ever else is on the argument line VOLUMES/M All other arguments on the argument line will be interpeted as an volume, RAM: and PCx: devices will not be displayed! NOTE! These are really device names and they are case-sensitiv that means always use capital letters (DH0 not dh0) and no : marks! @EndNode @Node "Copyright" Copyright --------- MemInfo is Copyright 1994 by Eivind Rovik Varatunveien 57 4300 Sandnes NORWAY InterNet: rovik@hsr.no I would be very greatful for any bug reports or suggestions for improvement of MemInfo. MemInfo v3.00 was released 24-May-1994 on aminet (ftp.luth.se) Distribution conditions ----------------------- This program may be distributed freely on the condition that no profit is gained from its distribution. An amount of the average retail price of a single 3.5 inch DSDD disk is allowed for a copying fee. This doc file and the icons must accompany the program unmodified. Disclaimer ---------- THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @EndNode